Ed. 4-8 Round – 3 Couples
D Minor 3 x AABBCC

A1 1-4: All take hands and go two Doubles to the left.
A2 1-4: That back again.
B1 1-2: Men meet and turn backs to each other while the Women Turn Single.
B1 3-4: Men return to your place.
B1 5-8: Turn your Partner once around.
B2 1-8: Women do the same while the Men Turn Single.
C1 1-2: Men Set to your Corner.
C1 3-4: Then Set to your Opposite.
C1 5-6: Then Honour your Partner.
C1 7-8: And turn your Partner halfway round.
C2 1-8: Women do the same.
A1 1-4: Side Right with your Partner.
A2 1-4: Side Left with your Partner.
B1&2: As before, the Women going first.
C1&2: As before, with your arms folded as you Set.
A1 1-4: Arm Right with your Partner.
A2 1-4: Arm Left with your Partner.
B1&2: As before, the Men going first again.
C1&2: As before, wiping your eyes as you Set.
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