Ed. 11-18 Duple Minor Longways
C Major AABB adlib

A1 1-4: 1st Couple turn each other with both hands as you go down between the 2nd Couple.
A1 5-8: 2nd Couple do the same through the 1st Couple.
A2 1-2: Men go four slip steps up the hall, while the women go down.
A2 3-4: Repeat that back to your places.
A2 5-8: Arm Right with your Partner.
B1 1-4: Men fall back a Double then forward a Double to meet the Women who do the same at the same time.
B1 5-6: All Turn Single.
B1 7-8: 1st Couple go four slip steps down the middle to the 2nd place, while the 2nd Couple goes four slips up to the 1st place.
B2 1-4: All four Right and Left once around.
B2 5-8: Arm Left with your Partner.
Repeat down the line.
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