Ed. 1-18 Longways – as many as will
D Major 3 x AA adlib

A1 1-4: Lead up all a Double forward and back.
A1 5-8: Set and turn Single.
A2 1-8: That again.
A3 1-2: 1st Man Set to your Partner.
A3 3-4: Then Set to the 2nd Man while the 1st Woman Sets to the 2nd Woman.
A3 5-8: 1st Man cross over and turn the 2nd Woman once around, the 1st Woman doing the same with the 2nd Man.
A4 1-2: 1st Man Set to the 2nd Woman while the 1st Woman Sets to the 2nd Man.
A4 3-4: Then cross to Set to the 3rd Man while the 1st Woman Sets to the 3rd Woman.
A4 5-8: Cross back to turn the 3rd Woman once around, the 1st Woman doing the same with the 3rd Man.
Continue down the line to the bottom and staying there proper, the other Couples following and doing the same until all are back in their original positions.
A1 1-4: 1st Couple cross over and lead down to the 2nd Couple, turning your Corner once around by the right hand.
A1 5-8: 1st Couple turn your Partner by the left hand.
A2 1-8: Do the same with the 3rd Couple.
Continue down the line to the bottom and staying there proper, the other Couples following and doing the same until all are back in their original positions.
A1 1-4: 1st Couple cross through between the 2nd Couple, the 1st Man going up behind and around the 2nd Woman, the 1st Woman doing the same around the 2nd Man.
A1 5-8: 1 Couple meet and turn each other once around to end below the 2nd Couple improper.
A2 1-4: 1st Couple go down the middle between the 3rd Couple, circling them as before.
A2 5-8: Meet and turn as before.
Continue down the line to the bottom and staying there proper, the other Couples following and doing the same until all are back in their original positions.
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