Collier’s Daughter, The

1718 Line
Ed. 2:3-4 Longways – 3 Active Couples
G Minor AABB adlib

A1 1-4: 1st Couple cross over and go down behind the 2nd Couple.
A1 5-8: Turn each other once around by both hands in the 2nd place.

A2 1-4: 1st Couple cross over and go down behind the 3rd Couple.
A2 5-8: Turn each other once around in the 3rd place.

B1 1-2: 1st Couple lead up the middle to the top.
B1 3-6: Top two Couples take hands and go once around.
B1 7-8: All four Turn Single.

B2 1-4: All four go Right and Left halfway around (two passes).
B2 5-8: Then turn your Partner halfway around.

Repeat down the line.

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