1651 Line
Ed. 1-18 Duple Minor Longways Repeated
D Major 7 x AAB

Note: This dance is almost identical to Nonesuch, but both were included in the first three editions.
A1 1-4: All lead up Double forward and back.
A2 1-4: That again.
B 1-4: Set and Turn Single.
B 5-8: That again.
A1 1-2: 1st Couple meet a Double.
A1 3-4: Take both hands and slip down between the 2nd Couple, turning out to face them.
A2 1-4: Put your Neighbor back a Double into the 1st place.
B 1-4: Take inside hands with your Neighbor and meet your Partner a Double and back.
B 5-8: Turn your Partner once around. Repeat down the line, the others doing the same, until all are back in their original places.
A1 1-4: Side Right with your Partner.
A2 1-4: Side Left with your Partner.
B 1-4: Set and Turn Single.
B 5-8: That again.
A1 1-2: 1st Man go a Double into the center facing down the line.
A1 3-4: 1st Woman go a Double to stand facing your Partner.
A2 1-2: 2nd Man go a Double to stand with your back to the 1st Woman.
A2 3-4: 2nd Woman go a Double to stand facing your Partner.
B 1-8: The remaining four continue forming the line down the middle, facing your Partners.
A1 1-4: Arm Right with your Partner.
A2 1-4: Arm Left with your Partner.
B 1-2: Take hands go four slip steps to your own Left.
B 3-4: Then four slip steps back to the middle to line up again.
B 5-8: Repeat the other direction.
A1 1-2: 1st Man go a Double back into your original place.
A1 3-4: 1st Woman go a Double back into your original place.
A2 1-2: 2nd Man the same.
A2 3-4: 2nd Woman the same.
B 1-8: The remaining four continue going back into your original places.
A1&2 & B: All go a Circular Hey starting with 1st Couple right hands, going around until all are in your original places.
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