Ed. 11-18 Triple Minor Longways
G Minor AABB adlib

A1 1-8: 1st and 2nd Men go around your Partners and back to your own places.
A1 7-16: 1st Man lead your Partner through the 2nd Couple, then cast back up.
A2 1-16: The Women do the same.
B1 1-2: 1st Man Set to the 2nd Woman.
B1 3-4: 2nd Man Set to the 1st Woman.
B1 5-8: 1st Couple cross over into the 2nd Couple’s place (improper).
B1 9-16: 1st Couple go the full Figure Eight around the 2nd Couple.
B2 1-8: 1st Woman go between the 2nd Couple and cast down behind the 2nd Woman while the 1st Man goes down between the 3rd Couple and casts up behind the 3rd Man.
B2 9-16: Then turn your Partner with both hands until the tune is ended.
Repeat down the line.
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