Ed. 9B-18 Triple Minor Longways
Bb Major AABB adlib

Note: This dance is slower and not really in cut time.
A1 1-2: 1st Man turn the 2nd Woman and come back into your own place.
A1 3-4: Then cast off below the 2nd Man.
A1 5-8: 1st Woman turn the 1st Man and cast off.
A2 1-8: The 2nd Couple being in the 1st Couple’s place, do the same.
B1 1-4: The 1st Couple being in their own places, cross over and go down behind the 2nd Couple and go the Figure (cross through the 2nd Couple, go up the outside, then cross through again).
B1 5-8: Then lead through the 3rd Couple and cast up into the 2nd Couple’s place.
B2 1-8: The 2nd Couple being in the 1st Couple’s place do the same, the 1st Couple casting off at the same time, ending in the 2nd Couple’s place.
Repeat down the line.
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