Ed. 6A-18 Duple Minor Longways
C Major AABB adlib

Note: The timing of this dance does not allow for the Honouring and Leading forward and back. Those would have been done during the introduction.
A1 1-4: 1st Man cast down then cross over into the 2nd Woman’s place, as the 2nd Woman casts up and crosses over into the 1st Man’s place.
A1 5-8: 2nd Man do the same with the 1st Woman.
A2 1-4: 1st Couple, being in the 2nd Couple’s place, go the Figure of 8 with the 2nd Couple, crossing up through and going down to the 2nd place proper, the 2nd Couple following and ending in the 1st place proper.
A2 5-6: All four take hands and go halfway around.
A2 7-8: Then Turn Single.
B1 1-2: The Women take right hands and change places, the Men doing the same.
B1 3-4: Then change places with your own by the left hand.
B1 5-8: The 2nd Couple being in the 1st Couple’s place cast off, the other leading up in the middle.
B2 1-4: 1st Couple cast off into the 2nd Couple’s place and meet.
B2 5-8: 1st Couple cast up into your own places again, then lead down into the 2nd place.
Repeat down the line.
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