Ed. 3-8 Square – 4 Couples
F Major 3 x AABB

Note: Couples are numbered counter-clockwise.
A1 1-8: All meet and fall back. Set and Turn Single.
A2 1-8: All lead out a Double, then fall back. Set and Turn Single.
B1 1-2: 2nd and 4th Couples meet and clap once as they turn back to back, facing out, while the 1st and 3rd Men change places with their Women, then 1st Man and 3rd Woman come up the outside to meet the 2nd Couple, the 1st Woman and 3rd Man the same with the 4th Couple.
B1 3-4: 1st Man, 3rd Woman, and 2nd Couple take hands and go halfway round, while the 1st Woman and 3rd Man do the same with the 4th Couple, the 1st and 3rd Couples ending in the middle.
B1 5: 1st Man turn the 3rd Woman halfway around by the right hand, while the 2nd Man does the same with his Partner. The other four do the like.
B1 6-7: 1st Man turn the 2nd Man once around by the left hand, the 3rd Woman doing the same to the 2nd Woman. The other four do the like.
B1 8: Then 1st and 3rd Couples turn your own halfway round, back to your places.
B2 1-8: 2nd and 4th Couples do the same to the 1st and 3rd Couples.
A1 1-4: Side Right with your Partner.
A1 5-8: Set and Turn Single.
A2 1-8: That again, Siding left.
B1 1-2: Men take your Women by both hands and Men fall back to back in the center.
B1 3-4: Change places with your Partner.
B1 5-8: Women give right hands across and go half round, while the Men go the other direction on the outside until you meet your Women. Then fall back with your Partner into the Contrary place.
B2 1-8: Women take hands with your Men and fall back to back in the center.
B2 3-4: Change places with your Partner.
B2 5-8: Men give left hands across and go halfway round, while the Women go the other direction on the outside. All fall back to your original places.
A1 1-4: Arm Right with your Partner.
A1 5-8: Set and Turn Single.
A2 1-8: That again, Arming left.
B1 1-2: All take hands with your Corner and lead out a Double.
B1 3-4: Switch hands and lead back again.
B1 5-8: All go halfway round in a circular Hey, giving right hands to your Corner and left to the next, and Right and Left until you meet your Corner again.
B2 1-8: Lead them out and back again as before, and continue Right and Left back to your original places.
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