Ed. 1-8 Round – as many as will
G Major 4 x AAB adlib

A1 1-4: Take hands and slip two Doubles to the left.
A2 1-4: Back again.
B 1-2: 1st Man lead your Partner a Double forwards to the Man on your right.
B 3-4: Let go the Woman who goes back next to the other Man.
B 5-6: 1st Man fall back to your place while the other two lead forward a Double toward you.
B 7-8: All three Turn Single.
A1 1-4: Then you three take hands and go round to the left.
A2 1-4: Go back again to the right, falling back into your original places.
B 1-8: This as before.
A1 1-4: The two Men lead a Double forward to the Woman and fall back again.
A2 1-4: That again.
B 1-8: This as before.
A1 1-4: Then you three take hands and go round.
A2 1-4: Back again.
B 1-8: This as before.
1st Couple do all this to the next Woman, then the next Man, the others following and doing the same as soon as the people are available.
Original Text: