Ed. 1-18 Longways – as many as will
D Minor 3 x AABB

A1 1-8: Lead up forwards and back.
A2 1-8: That again.
B1 1-4: 1st Man step forward and left a Double to stand at the top facing down the middle.
B1 5-16: Then go down between the rest and turn the second-to-last Woman, then turn the Last, and stay there. At the same time, the other Men go between the top 2 Women, turn toward the left hand, and go down the Men’s side to join the 1st Man.
B2 1-4: 1st Man go in a Double to stand facing up the middle.
B2 5-16: Then go up between the rest, turn the 2nd Woman, then the 1st. At the same time, the other Men go between the last two Women, turn toward the right hand, and go up to your places.
A1 1-8: Side Right with your Partner.
A2 1-8: Side Left with your Partner.
B1&2: This as before, the Women doing it.
A1 1-8: Arm Right with your Partner.
A2 1-8: Arm Left with your Partner.
B1&2: This as before, the Men doing it again.
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