Ed. 9D-18 Duple Minor Longways
A Minor A adlib

A 1-4: 1st Man cast off, go around the 2nd Man, and slip up the middle to your own place, the 1st Woman going down the middle and casting up behind the 2nd Woman at the same time.
A 5-8: 2nd Man cast up and go down the middle, the 2nd Woman going up the middle and cast down to her own place.
A 9-14: 1st Couple cast off and go down below the 2nd Couple, cross and go up behind and back around to your own places.
A 15-18: All four take hands and go quite round, until you come into your own places.
A 19-20: 1st Couple cast off into the 2nd place.
Repeat down the line.
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