Ed. 6A-18 Duple Minor Longways Repeated
Bb Major 2 x AA adlib

A 1-4: Lead up forward and back.
A 5-8: That again.
A1 1-4: 1st Couple cast off into the 2nd Couple’s places.
A1 5-8: Then turn your Partner half a turn, the 2nd Couple standing still.
A2 1-8: Then the 1st Man cross up and go down around the 2nd Man, the 1st Woman going around the 2nd Woman at the same time, ending in the 2nd Couple’s place.
Repeat down the line.
A 1-4: 1st and 2nd Couple take hands and go all four round halfway.
A 5-8: Then turn your Partner halfway, the 1st Couple ending in the 2nd Couple’s place.
A2 1-8: The uppermost Couple cast off to the bottom and come up, all the other Couples following them until you come as you were.
Repeat down the line until the 1st Couple is at the top again.
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