Ed. 1-18 Square – 4 Couples
G Minor 3 x AABB

Note: Couples are numbered clockwise.
A1 1-4: 1st Couple lead in and cast off to your places, the Man going between the 2nd Couple and the Woman between the 4th Couple.
A1 5-8: 3rd Couple as much.
A2 1-4: 2nd Couple as much.
A2 5-8: 4th Couple as much.
B1 1-2: 1st and 3rd Man change places across.
B1 3-4: 1st and 3rd Women do the same.
B1 5-8: All four hands across and go round to your places.
B2 1-8: 2nd and 4th Couples as much. End with the 2nd and 4th Men falling behind their Women.
A1 1-4: The 2nd and 4th Men standing behind their Women, the 1st Couple pass into the 3rd Couple’s place, the Man going between the 2nd Couple and the Woman between the 4th, while the 3rd Couple leads straight across, turns, and falls into the 1st Couple’s place.
A1 5-8: Back again to your places, the 1st Couple going straight across and the 3rd Couple going through the other Couples. End with the 1st and 3rd Men falling behind their Women.
A2 1-4: 2nd and 4th Couples do the same, the 2nd going through the 1st and 3rd Couples.
A2 5-8: Back again to your places, the 4th Couple going through the 1st and 3rd.
B1 1-8: 1st and 3rd Couples (Men still standing behind the Women) do the Single Hey all the way around to your places, the Women starting.
B2 1-8: 2nd and 4th Couples do the same.
A1 1-4: Men cast off, going outside your Women and falling into the next Man’s place (to your right).
A1 5-8: The Women then do the same to their left.
A2 1-4: Men as much again.
A2 5-8: Women as much again, ending by your Partner.
B1 1-8: 1st and 3rd Couple meet and go back to back around each other. Change places with your Opposite by the right hand, then with your Partner by the left hand. Fall back to your original places.
B2 1-8: 2nd and 4th Couples do the same.
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