Ed. 1-7, 10-18 2 Couples Facing
G Minor 3 x AAB

Note: This dance is slower and not really in cut time.
Note #2: The dance is for two couples facing, so the Men are in opposite corners.
A1 1-2: All go forward a Double to meet your Partner, then go back a Double.
A1 3-4: Open then Close with your Partner.
A2 1-2: Go back a Double, then forward a Double to meet your Partner.
A2 3-4: Open then Close.
B 1: Men go back a Double.
B 2: Women Turn Single.
B 3: Women go back a Double.
B 4: Men Turn Single.
B 5-6: Men switch places in two Doubles (passing right shoulders).
B 7-8: Women the same.
B 9-10: All take hands and go half way around back to places.
A1 1-2: Side Right with your Opposite.
A1 3-4: Set to your Opposite.
A2 1-2: Side Left with your Partner.
A2 3-4: Set to your Partner.
B 1-2: Men cast off and fall back to stand back to back behind your Partner, then return to your place.
B 3-4: Women then do the same.
B 5-6: Change places with your Opposite, passing right shoulders, then your Partner by left shoulders.
B 7-8: That again.
B 9-10: All take right hands across and go once around back to your place.
A1 1-2: Arm Right with your Opposite.
A1 3-4: Set to your Opposite.
A2 1-2: Arm Left with your Partner.
A2 3-4: Set to your Partner.
B 1: Men meet in the middle.
B 2: Women meet between the Men, then take right hands and make an arch.
B 3-4: Men turn each other once around under the arch, ending in your own places.
B 5-6: Men take right hands while the Women turn under the arch.
B 7-8: Take right hands with your Opposite and change places, then left hands with your Partner and change places.
B 9-10: All take right hands across and go halfway round back to your place, and open up into a line to bow to the Presence.
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