Ed. 1-8 Longways – 3 Couples
G Major 3 x AABB

A1 1-4: Lead up all a Double forward and back.
A1 5-8: Set and Turn Single.
A2 1-8: That again.
B1&2: Mirror Hey: 1st Couple go down between 2nd Couple and outside 3rd Couple. 2nd Couple go down between 3rd Couple and outside 1st Couple, then 3rd Couple go down between 1st Couple and outside 2nd Couple.
A1 1-4: Side Right with your Partner.
A1 5-8: Set and Turn Single.
A2 1-4: Side Left with your Partner.
A2 5-8: Set and Turn Single.
B1&2: Arches: All take hands with your Partner. 1st Couple go under 2nd Couple’s arch, then over 3rd Couple. 2nd Couple go under 3rd Couple’s arch, then over 1st Couple, then 3rd Couple go under 1st Couple’s arch, then over 2nd Couple.
A1 1-4: Arm Right with your Partner.
A1 5-8: Set and Turn Single.
A2 1-4: Arm Left with your Partner.
A2 5-8: Set and Turn Single.
B1&2: All go a Circular Hey: 1st Couple face each other, 2nd & 3rd Men face each other, 2nd & 3rd Women the same. Everyone pass the person in front of you by the right shoulder, then the next by the left shoulder, continuing the Hey all the way around, so everyone ends in their original places.
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