Ed. 6A-18 Duple Minor Longways
G Major AA adlib

Note: The timing of this dance does not allow for the Honouring and Leading forward and back. Those would have been done during the introduction.
Note #2: This dance is slower and not really in cut time.
A1 1: 1st and 2nd Couples fall back.
A1 2-3: 1st Couple cast off and go around into the middle while the 2nd Couple leads up through the middle and comes to the outside, so all four stand abreast facing down.
A1 4-5: All four lead down a Double and back again.
A1 6-7: 2nd Couple go in front of the 1st Couple and lead up between them, then cast off into their places.
A1 8: Change places with your Partner.
A1 9-16: This over again.
A2 1-4: 1st Man and 2nd Woman turn right hands once around.
A2 5-8: 2nd Man and 1st Woman turn left hands once around.
A2 9-12: 1st Couple turn both hands once around.
A2 13-16: 1st Couple turn each other again as you go down into the 2nd Couple’s place, while the 2nd Couple casts up into the 1st Couple’s place.
Repeat down the line.
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