Ed. 9B-18 Triple Minor Longways
G Major A adlib

A 1-2: 1st Couple lead up a Double.
A 3-6: Then cast off back to your places, going around the 2nd Couple from the set above you.
A 7-8: Then lead down between the 3rd Couple.
A 9-12: 1st Couple lead up again through the 2nd Couple into your own places.
A 13-16: Then each side take hands and fall back a Double. Meet again and Turn Single.
A 17-20: 1st Couple lead down the middle below the 3rd Couple.
A 21-24: Then meet and cast up the outside into your own places.
A 25-28: 1st Man turn the 2nd Woman once around and both fall back into their own places.
A 29-32: 1st Couple clap hands and cast off into the 2nd Couple’s place.
Repeat down the line.
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