Ed. 9-18 Duple Minor Longways
C Major AB adlib

Note: The steps fit the music without repeating each section.
A 1-2: 1st Man turn the 2nd Woman with his right hand all the way around.
A 3-4: 1st Man cast off below the 2nd Man.
A 5-6: 1st Woman turn the 2nd Man with her right hand.
A 7-8: 1st Woman cast down below the 2nd Woman.
B 1-4: The two Men take hands and fall back a Double, while the Women do the same. All four meet and Turn Single.
B 5-8: All go a circular Hey, passing your Partner first by the right should, ending all four abreast, the 1st Couple in the middle.
B 9-10: All four hands abreast, and lead up a Double and fall back a Double.
B 11-12: 1st Couple lead through and cast off below the 2nd Couple.
Repeat down the line.
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