Ed. 1-8 Longways – 4 Couples
D Minor 3 x AABB

Note: The couples are in an unusual order and the last two are improper, so to keep the directions clear, the couples have been renumbered and the instructions updated, thusly:
A1 1-4: Meet all a Double and back.
A2 1-4: That again.
B1 1-2: 2nd Man and 3rd Woman take hands and lead out a Double to the wall, the 3rd Man and 2nd Woman doing the same. At the same time, the 1st and 4th Couples meet in a Double.
B1 3-6: 1st and 2nd Couples take hands four abreast and fall back a Double and meet, the other two Couples doing the same.
B1 7-8: Turn your Opposite by both hands.
B2 1-2: 1st and 4th Couples take hands and lead out a Double, while the 2nd and 3rd meet in a Double.
B2 3-6: Sides take hands four abreast and fall back a Double and meet.
B2 7-8: Turn your Partner by both hands.
A1 1-4: Side Right with your Partners.
A2 1-4: Then 2nd and 3rd Couples Side Left with your Opposite while the 1st and 4th Couples Side Left with their own.
B1 1-4: Sides take hands four abreast and lead out a Double and fall back.
B1 5-8: Each side take hands and circle quite round to your places.
B2 1-4: 2nd Couple step in between the 1st Couple and all four take hands abreast and lead up a Double and fall back, the other Couples doing the same downwards.
B2 5-8: Then each group take hands as before and go quite round to your places.
A1 1-4: Arm Right with your Partners.
A2 1-4: Then 2nd and 3rd Couples Arm Left with your Opposite while the 1st and 4th Couples Arm Left with their own.
B1 1-2: 2nd Man and 3rd Woman take hands and lead out a Double to the wall, the 3rd Man and 2nd Woman doing the same. At the same time, the 1st and 4th Couples meet in a Double.
B1 3-6: 2nd and 3rd Couples fall back a Double, taking hands to make an arch, while the 1st and 4th Couples lead their Opposites out under the arches, then split to come back to their Partners.
B1 7-8: All turn your Opposite by both hands.
B2 1-2: 1st and 4th Couples take hands and lead out a Double, while the 2nd and 3rd meet in a Double.
B2 3-6: 1st and 4th Couples fall back and make an arch, while the others lead their Partners under the arches and split to come back to their original positions.
B2 7-8: Turn your Partner by both hands.
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