Ed. 9C-18 Triple Minor Longways
F Major AABB adlib

A1 1-4: 1st Couple go half the Figure 8 through the 2nd Couple, crossing through and going up behind.
A1 5-8: Then Right-and Left with the 2nd Couple two passes, ending proper in the 2nd place.
A2 1-8: Repeat with the 3rd Couple, ending in the 3rd place.
B1 1-2: 1st Couple cast up into the 2nd place.
B1 3-4: 1st Man and 1st Woman change places.
B1 5-8: Then cast up to top and change places again.
B2 1-8: All 3 Couples Right and Left four passes, like half a Circular Hey with hands, with the 1st Couple starting with their Partners and the others with their Neighbors. 1st Couple lead up into the 2nd Couple’s position while changing places during the last pass, to end in the 2nd Couple’s place.
Repeat down the line.
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