Ed. 4-7, 11-18 Duple Minor Longways
Bb Major AABBCCDD adlib

Note: The A section of the first verse only has enough dance steps for one repeat. To maintain continuity and keep the feel of the dance, a Set and Turn Single has been added, which was customarily done on many dances.
A1 1-2: Lead up all a Double and back.
A2 3-4: Set and Turn Single.
A2 1-4: That again.
B1 1: 1st Man and 2nd Woman meet and honour each other.
B1 2-3: Then Turn each other by both hands.
B1 4: And fall back to your place.
B2 1-4: 1st Woman and 2nd Man do the same.
C1 1-4: 1st Man and 2nd Woman go back to back around each other, then fall into their own places.
C2 1-4: 1st Woman and 2nd Man do the same.
D1 1-2: The two Men clap right and left, the Women doing the same.
D1 3-4: All Turn Single.
D2 1-2: All clap right and left with your Partner.
D2 3-4: 1st Couple cast down into the 2nd place.
Repeat down the line.
Original Text: