Ed. 1-8 Duple Minor Longways Repeated
Bb Major 2 x A adlib

Note: The original instructions do not indicate progression, but it is implied by the positions of the dancers.
A1 1-4: All lead up a Double and fall back.
A1 5-8: All face your Partner, make a small slip step to your left, then change places with your Partner.
A2 1-4: All lead down a Double and back.
A2 5-8: All face your Partner, make a small slip step to the right, and change places again.
A 1-2: 1st Man change places with the 2nd Woman.
A 3-4: 2nd Woman change places with the 1st Woman.
A 5-6: 1st Man change places with the 2nd Man.
A 7-8: 2nd Man change places with the 1st Woman.
AA: Repeat down the line until all are back to your original positions.
A 1-2: 1st and 2nd Men change places by both hands, the Women doing the same.
A 3-4: 1st Couple lead up between the 2nd Couple into their original place.
A 5-6: Then cross over and go down the outside into the 2nd Couple’s place.
A 7-8: 1st Couple turn each other by both hands halfway around, to end in the 2nd place.
AA: Repeat down the line until all are back to your original positions.
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