Ed. 1-3 Longways – 4 Couples
D Major 15 x A

Note: This dance is almost identical to A la Mode de France, but both were included in the first three editions.
A 1-4: Lead all up a Double and back.
A 5-8: That again.
A 9-12: Set and Turn Single.
A 13-16: That again.
A 1-2: 1st Couple slip between the 2nd Couple.
A 3-4: Then turn to face them.
A 5-6: Put them back a Double.
A 7-8: 1st Man and 2nd Man turn halfway round, the Women the same.
A 9-10: 1st Man put back the 2nd Man, the Women the same, so the 2nd Couple is back to back.
A 11-12: 1st Man turn the 2nd Man into the 1st place, the Women the same.
A 13-16: 1st Couple turn your Partner once around.
Repeat down the line 8 more times until all are back in their original places.
A1 1-4: Side Right with your Partner.
A1 5-8: Side Left with your Partner.
A1 9-12: Set and Turn Single.
A1 13-16: That again.
A2 1-2: 1st Man Slip to the center, facing down the line.
A2 3-4: 1st Woman slip to the center below him, facing up.
A2 5-6: 2nd Man slip to the center below her, facing down.
A2 7-8: 2nd Woman slip to the center below him, facing up.
A2 9-16: The others do the same.
A1 1-4: From this position, Arm Right with your Partner.
A1 5-8: Arm Left with your Partner.
A1 9-12: All slip to your own left a Double and back.
A1 13-16: All slip to your own right a Double and back.
A2 1-2: 1st Man slip to his left into his Partner’s place.
A2 3-4: 1st Woman slip to her left into her Partner’s place.
A2 5-16: The others do the same.
A3 1-2: 1st Man and 2nd Man change places by right hand, the 1st and 2nd Women doing the same, and the other Couples doing the same.
A3 3-4: 1st Man and 4th Man change places by left hand, the 1st and 4th Women doing the same, and the 3rd Couple doing the same.
A3 5-16: Continue this Single Hey crossing at the bottom but not crossing at the top, until all are back in their original places.
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