Ed. 1-18 Longways – as many as will
D Minor 3 x AAAAAA

A1 1-4: Lead up all a Double forward and back.
A1 5-8: Set and Turn Single.
A2 1-8: That again.
A3 1-4: 1st Man lead your Partner down between the rest a Double forward and back.
A3 5-6: Then lead her down to the bottom again.
A3 7-8: Turn her once around and leave her there.
A4 1-8: 1st Man lead the Last Woman up in the same manner.
A5 1-8: Last Man lead the 1st Woman up in the same manner and leave her there.
A6 1-8: Last Man lead the Last Woman back down to her place in the same manner.
A1 1-4: Side Right with your Partner.
A1 5-8: Set and Turn Single.
A2 1-4: Side Left with your Partner.
A2 5-8: Set and Turn Single.
A3-A6: As before but crossing both hands in the middle as you go up and down.
A1 1-4: Arm Right with your Partner.
A1 5-8: Set and Turn Single.
A2 1-4: Arm Left with your Partner.
A2 5-8: Set and Turn Single.
A3-A6: As before but with the Women holding one hand as you go up and down. Upon arriving at the end, Men turn the Woman under your arm into her place and kiss her.
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