Ed. 6A-18 Duple Minor Longways
G Minor AABCD adlib

Note: The timing of this dance does not allow for the Honouring and Leading forward and back. Those would have been done during the introduction.
Note #2: This dance begins with the 1st Couple improper. When Couples reach the ends of the line, they should switch places so as to begin the next verse on the correct sides.
Note #3: The sections do not all repeat. The dance steps take about 20 measures total, and the A section has been repeated since the two figures are similar and unlike the other sections.
A1 1-2: 1st Man leads the 2nd Woman to the wall and back, the other Couple doing the same.
A1 3-4: 1st Couple cast off into the 2nd place while the 2nd Couple moves up.
A2 1-2: 1st Couple lead down and back while the 2nd Couple leads up to the Presence and back.
A2 3-4: 2nd Couple cast off into the 2nd place while the 1st Couple moves back up.
B 1-4: 1st Man go back to back with the 2nd Woman, the other two doing the same.
C 1-2: 1st Man change places with the 2nd Woman by the right hand, the other two doing the same.
C 3-4: 1st Man and 1st Woman change places by the left hand, the other two doing the same.
D 1-4: All go a Circular Hey three passes beginning with your Neighbor, to end with the 1st Couple in the 2nd place improper.
Repeat down the line.
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