Ed. 3-8 Square – 4 Couples
D Major 3 x AABBBB

A1 1-4: All Meet a Double and fall back.
A2 1-4: That again.
B1 1: Men honour your Partner.
B1 2: Then honour your Corner.
B1 3-6: Men meet in the middle, take hands, and go halfway round, falling into the Opposite place.
B2 1: Women honour the Man on your left.
B2 2: Then honour the Man on your right.
B2 3-6: Women meet in the middle, take hands, and go halfway round, falling into the Opposite place beside your Partner.
B3&4: Repeat two more times back to your places.
A1 1-4: Side Right with your Partner.
A2 1-4: Side Left with your Partner.
B1 1: Give right hands to your Partner.
B1 2: Then give left hands.
B1 3-4: Change places with your Partner by the right hand.
B1 5-6: Then change places with the next person by the left hand.
B2 1: Give right hands to the next person.
B2 2: Then give left hands.
B2 3-4: Change places with them.
B2 5-6: Then change places with the next person by the left hand.
B3&4: Repeat two more times back to your places.
A1 1-4: Arm Right with your Partner.
A2 1-4: Arm Left with your Partner.
B1 1: 1st and 2nd Couples honour the other Couple, the other two Couples doing the same.
B1 2: Honour your Partner.
B1 3-6: 1st and 2nd Couples take hands and go halfway round, the others doing the same.
B2 1: 1st and Last Couples honour the other Couple, the other two Couples doing the same.
B2 2: Honour your Partner.
B2 3-6: 1st and Last Couples take hands and go halfway round, the others doing the same.
B3&4: Repeat two more times back to your places.
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