Ed. 1-10 Duple Minor Longways Repeated
D Minor 3 x AA adlib

Note: During the progression part, the Couples at the top may begin as soon as the next Couple is in place.
A1 1-4: All lead up a Double forward and back.
A1 5-8: Set and Turn Single.
A1 9-16: That again.
A2 1-4: 1st Man take the 1st Woman with your left hand and lead her down to the 2nd Woman.
A2 5-8: Take the 2nd Woman with the right hand and slip up with both of them into the 1st place.
A2 9-10: Turn the 2nd Woman under your arm into the 1st Woman’s place.
A2 11-12: Turn the 1st Woman into the 2nd Woman’s place.
A2 13-16: Then cast off behind the 2nd Man into the 2nd place.
AA: Repeat down the line until all are back in their original positions.
A1 1-4: Side Right with your Partner.
A1 5-8: Set and Turn Single.
A1 9-12: Side Left with your Partner.
A1 13-16: Set and Turn Single.
A2 1-4: 1st Man take the 1st Woman with your left hand and lead her down to the 2nd Woman.
A2 5-8: Take the 2nd Woman with the right hand and slip up with both of them into the 1st place.
A2 9-10: Kiss the 2nd Woman and put her in the 1st Woman’s place.
A2 11-12: Kiss the 1st Woman and put her in the 2nd Woman’s place.
A2 13-16: Then cast off behind the 2nd Man into the 2nd place.
AA: Repeat down the line until all are back in their original positions.
A1 1-4: Arm Right with your Partner.
A1 5-8: Set and Turn Single.
A1 9-12: Arm Left with your Partner.
A1 13-16: Set and Turn Single.
A2 1-4: 1st Man take the 1st Woman with your left hand and lead her down to the 2nd Woman.
A2 5-8: Take the 2nd Woman with the right hand and set them back to back in the middle.
A2 9-10: Kiss the 2nd Woman and put her in the 1st Woman’s place.
A2 11-12: Kiss the 1st Woman and put her in the 2nd Woman’s place.
A2 13-16: Then cast off behind the 2nd Man into the 2nd place.
AA: Repeat down the line until all are back in their original positions.
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