Ed. 1-8 Round – as many as will
D Major 3 x AABB adlib

Note: During the progression parts, the 2nd Couple (and those following) may begin as soon as the next Couple is free.
A1 1-4: Take hands and go 8 slips to the Left.
A2 1-4: Back again.
B1 1-4: All Set and Turn Single.
B2 1-4: That again.
A1 1-4: 1st Couple lead a Double forward and back to the 2nd Couple.
A2 1-4: That again.
B1 1-4: Turn your Opposite.
B2 1-4: Turn your Partner.
BB: Do this change to each Couple, the rest following and doing the like.
A1&2: 1st Couple lead to the 2nd Couple as before.
B1 1-2: Change places with your Opposite.
B1 3-4: Change places with your Partner.
B2 1-4: Repeat to finish the Single Hey.
BB: Do this change to each Couple, the rest doing the like.
A1 1-2: 1st Couple lead a Double forward toward the 2nd Couple.
A1 3-4: 1st Man take the 2nd Man with your left and all three fall back from the 2nd Woman.
A2 1-4: The three Double forward and back from the 2nd Woman.
B1 1-4: 1st Man raise left arm with 2nd Man and bring the 1st Woman under the arch, turning to your left to maintain the line of three.
B2 1-4: Then bring the 2nd Man under your right arm, turning back to the right.
BB: Do this change to the 2nd Woman then to all, the rest doing the like.
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