Ed. 1-10 Longways – 3 Couples
G Major 3 x AAA

A1 1-4: Lead all up a Double and back.
A1 5-8: Repeat.
A2 1-4: 1st Man change places with 2nd Woman, then with 3rd Man.
A2 5-8: All lead up a Double and back.
A3 1-4: 1st Woman change places with 2nd Man, then with 3rd Woman.
A3 5-8: All lead up a Double and back.
A4-7: Every couple repeat until all in original places.
A1 1-4: Side Right with your Partner.
A1 5-8: Side Left with your Partner.
A2 1-8: 1st Couple slip down between 2nd Couple as they slip up. Then the 2nd Couple slip down between while the 1st slip up. Meanwhile, the 3rd Couple circles the others, crossing, going up to the top, crossing again, and going back down.
A3 1-8: That again, with the 3rd Couple slipping up between the 2nd Couple first, and the 1st Couple crossing and going around the other two Couples.
A1 1-4: Arm Right with your Partner.
A1 5-8: Arm Left with your Partner.
A2 1-8: Men go the Sheepskin Hey around the Women: 1st Man cross and go behind the 1st Woman, the other Men following. Weave around the three Women, with the 2nd Woman taking the last Man in line and turning him around her to make him first. After three passes around the 2nd Woman, the Men go down the outside and up to their places.
A3 1-8: Women go the Sheepskin Hey around the Men.
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