Ed. 1, 4-18 Longways – 4 Couples
D Minor 3 x AABB

A1 1-4: 1st Couple cast off together to the right and go down to the bottom, the other Couples following.
A2 1-4: Continue around, leading back up to your places.
B1 1-4: 1st Man go down behind the Women to stand before the 4th Woman, the other Men following.
B1 5-6: All do a Double toward the left wall.
B1 7-8: Change places with your Opposite.
B2 1-6: This again, the 4th Man going around and back down to the bottom.
B2 7-8: Change places with your Partner.
A1 1-4: 1st Couple cast off together to the left and go down to the bottom, the other Couples following.
A2 1-4: Continue around, leading back up to your places.
B1 1-8: Women do as the Men did in Verse I.
B2 1-8: Do this again back to your places.
A1 1-4: 1st Couple cast off together to the right and go down to the bottom, the other Couples following.
A2 1-4: Continue around, leading back up to your places.
B1 1-4: Men go down the outside of the Women to the bottom, while the Women go down the middle.
B1 5-8: All step a Double away from your Partner (open), then close again with another Double.
B2 1-4: Women go up the outside of the Men to the top, while the Men go up the middle.
B2 5-8: Open and close with your Partner again.
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