Ed. 1-18 Duple Minor Longways Repeated
D Major 3 x A adlib

A 1-4: Lead up all a Double forward and back.
A 5-8: That again.
A 9-12: Set and Turn Single.
A 13-16: That again.
A 1-2: 1st Man cross over to stand before the 2nd Woman, the 1st Woman doing the same with the 2nd Man.
A 3-4: Then take both hands and turn them halfway round so the 2nd Couple is in the middle back to back.
A 5-6: Turn them back to their original places.
A 7-8: 1st Couple cross through to stand in 2nd place proper.
A 9-12: All take hands and go once around.
A 13-16: Arm Right with your Partner to end proper, with the 1st Couple in the 2nd place.
Repeat down the line.
A 1-4: 1st Man cross over to stand behind the 2nd Woman, while the 1st Woman goes down the middle and up behind the 2nd Woman to meet her Partner there.
A 5-8: 1st Man cross through the 2nd Couple to stand behind the 2nd Man, while the 1st Woman goes above the 2nd Woman and crosses to stand behind the 2nd Man and meet her Partner again.
A 9-12: 1st Couple and 2nd Man take right hands across and go halfway around to end with the 1st Couple in the middle.
A 13-16: 1st Couple and 2nd Woman take right hands across and go around until the 1st Couple is in the 2nd place.
Repeat down the line.
A 1-2: 1st Man cross over above the 1st Woman, the 2nd Man following.
A 3-4: 1st Man go around her between the two Women, the Women taking hands with the 2nd Man behind them.
A 5-6: 1st Man go a Double toward the left wall, the Women following and the 2nd Man following them.
A 7-8: All face the other way and go a Double toward the right wall.
A 9-12: Men cast off to their right, their Women following, to end in their original places improper.
A 13-14: Men change places by right hands, the Women the same.
A 15-16: Change places with your Partner by the left hand.
Repeat down the line.
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