Ed. 1-10 Longways – 3 Couples
G Minor 3 x AABB

Note: At the end of the dance, the changing of places is left vague and there is more music than the changing of places requires, so a turn has been added to maintain the feeling of the dance.
A1 1-4: Lead up all a Double and back.
A1 5-6: Change places with your Partner.
A2 1-4: Lead down all a Double and back.
A2 5-6: Change places back.
B1 1-2: 1st Couple slip in between the 2nd Couple, to stand between them.
B1 3-4: 3rd Couple slip behind the 2nd Couple, so the Men are on one side and the Women are on the other, all in a single line.
B1 5-8: 1st Man cast off to your left, the other Men following, going around in a circle, then returning to your original positions, the Women doing the same to their right.
B2 1-2: 3rd Couple slip in between the 2nd Couple.
B2 3-4: 1st Couple slip behind the 3rd Couple.
B2 5-8: 3rd Man cast off to your right, the other Men following, going in a circle and returning to place, the Women doing the same to their left.
A1 1-4: Side Right with your Partner.
A1 5-6: Change places with your Partner.
A2 1-4: Side Left with your Partner.
A2 5-6: Change places back.
B1 1-4: Men take hands, the Women the same, and fall back a Double and meet a Double.
B1 5-8: Men take hands in a circle and go once around and back to your places, the Women the same.
B2 1-4: Sides take hands again and fall back a Double and meet a Double.
B2 5-8: Men take hands backwards in a circle facing out and go once around and back to your places, the Women the same.
A1 1-4: Arm Right with your Partner.
A1 5-6: Change places with your Partner.
A2 1-4: Arm Left with your Partner.
A2 5-6: Change places back.
B1 1-2: 1st Couple cross through into the 2nd place.
B1 3-4: 1st Couple cross through into the 3rd place.
B1 5-6: 2nd Couple cross through into the 2nd place.
B1 7-8: Then cross again into the 3rd place.
B2 1-2: 3rd Couple cross through into the 2nd place.
B2 3-4: Then cross again into the 3rd place.
B2 5-8: All turn your Partner once around by both hands.
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