Ed. 4-18 Duple Minor Longways
Bb Major AABB adlib

A1 1-2: All lead up a Double.
A1 3-4: 1st Man go below the 2nd Man, changing places with him, the 1st Woman doing the same.
A2 1-2: Take hands with your Neighbor and lead out a Double to the wall.
A2 3-4: Switch hands and lead back in.
B1 1-4: Each side fall back a Double then meet a Double.
B1 5-6: All foot it (Side Right).
B1 7-8: 2nd Couple cast down to the 2nd place.
B2 1-4: Each side fall back a Double as before then meet a Double.
B2 5-6: All foot it (Side Left).
B2 7-8: 1st Couple cast down to the 2nd place.
Repeat down the line.
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