Ed. 3-18 Longways – 4 Couples
D Minor 3 x AABBBB

A1 1-4: Lead up all a Double forward and back.
A2 1-4: That again.
B1 1-4: Top two Couples take hands and go halfway round, the bottom two Couples doing the same.
B1 5-6: Fall back to your places.
B1 7-8: 1st and Last Couples change places with your Partner, while the 2nd and 3rd Men change places, the 2nd and 3rd Women the same.
B2 1-8: This again to your original places.
B3&4: Repeat again.
A1 1-2: Top two Men move backward a Double toward each other to change places, the top two Women and the bottom Men and Women doing the same.
A1 3-4: Change places with your Partner.
A2 1-4: That again.
B1 1-4: 1st Couple cast off into the 2nd place, the 2nd Couple following and standing outside them, four abreast facing the other four, the bottom Couple doing the same with the 3rd Couple following.
B1 5-6: Set to the person facing you.
B1 7-8: Change places with them.
B2 1-4: 3rd Couple cast up and go down into the 2nd place, the 4th Couple following and ending in the 1st place. At the same time, the 2nd Couple casts down to the bottom then leads up into the 3rd place, the 1st Couple following and ending in the last place.
B2 5-6: Set to your Partner.
B2 7-8: Change places with them.
B3&4: All that again back to your places.
A1 1-2: All go a Double to the left wall.
A1 3-4: Change places with your Partner.
A2 1-2: All go a Double to the right wall.
A2 3-4: Change places back.
B1 1-2: 1st Couple meet, 4th Couple the same, while the middle two Couples fall back a Double.
B1 3-4: Top and bottom Couples meet in the middle, while the other two Couples lead to the top and bottom.
B1 5-8: Men Arm Right in the middle, the Women the same, while the Couples at the top and bottom Arm Right with their Partners.
B2 1-2: 2nd Couple meet, 3rd Couple the same, while the middle two Couples fall back a Double.
B2 3-4: Top and bottom Couples meet in the middle, while the other two Couples lead to the top and bottom.
B2 5-8: Men Arm Left in the middle, the Women the same, while the Couples at the top and bottom Arm Left with their Partners.
B3&4: All that again back to your places.
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