Ed. 1-7 2 Couples Facing
A Minor 3 x AABB

A1 1-2: Meet all a Double.
A1 3: Go two slips to the left.
A1 4: Then two to the right.
A1 5-6: Men Turn Single to the left while the Women Turn Single to the right.
A1 7-8: All Turn Single back again.
A2 1-2: Meet again.
A2 3-4: Change places with your Opposite.
A2 5-6: Then change with your Partner.
A2 7-8: All Turn Single.
B1 1-2: Men go back a Double while the Women Turn Single.
B1 3-4: Men change places by the left hands.
B1 5-8: Men turn your Opposite once around by the right hand.
B2 1-2: Women go back a Double while the Men Turn Single.
B2 3-4: Women change place by the right hands.
B2 5-8: Then turn your Partner once around with the left hand.
A1 1-2: Meet all a Double.
A1 3-4: Change places with your Opposite.
A1 5-8: Set and Turn Single.
A2 1-8: That again.
B1 1-2: Men meet and stay there.
B1 3-4: Women do the same.
B1 5-6: All take hands and go four slips halfway round to the left.
B1 7-8: Turn Single.
B2 1-2: Women meet and stay there.
B2 3-4: Men do the same.
B2 5-6: All take hands and go four slips back to the right.
B2 7-8: Turn Single.
A1 1-2: Meet all.
A1 3-4: Take your Opposite by both hands and go two slips to the left, and two to the right.
A1 5-8: Men cast off to the left and come around in a circle to your places, the Women following.
A2 1-2: All fall back.
A2 3-4: Then change places with your Partner.
A2 5-8: Men go back to back passing by the left shoulder, but fall back to your original places, Women doing the same.
B1 1-2: Men honour.
B1 3-4: Women honour.
B1 5-8: All take right hands across and go once round.
B2 1-2: Women honour.
B2 3-4: Men honour.
B2 5-6: Take left hands across and go halfway around.
B2 7-8: Fall all abreast and bow to the Presence.
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