Ed. 11-18 Duple Minor Longways
D Minor AAAA adlib

Note: This dance is slower and not really in cut time.
A1 1-4: Top two Couples take hands all four and go once around.
A1 5: 1st Couple cast off.
A1 6-7: 1st Man Set to the 2nd Woman and Turn Single.
A2 1-4: Couples take hands and go around again.
A2 5: 2nd Couple cast off.
A2 6-7: 2nd Man Set to the 1st Woman and Turn Single.
A3 1-4: The two Women lead between the two Men and cast off into their own places.
A3 5: 1st Couple lead up a Double.
A3 6: 2nd Couple lead up a Double.
A3 7: 1st Couple cast off.
A4 1-4: All four Right and Left halfway round.
A4 5: All change places with your Partners.
A4 6-7: 1st Couple cast off into the 2nd place.
Repeat down the line.
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