Ed. 4-7 Longways – as many as will
G Major 3 x AAB adlib

A1 1-4: Lead up all a Double forwards and back.
A2 1-4: That again.
B1 1-2: 1st Couple go each on the outside of the 2nd Couple to the 2nd place.
B1 3-4: Go back up again.
B1 5: Go down to stand behind the 2nd Couple.
B1 6: Peep each at one another over the 2nd Couple’s shoulders.
B1 7-10: Turn your own in the 2nd place.
BB: Do the same around the 3rd Couple, and so to the last, staying at the bottom.
A1 1-4: Side Right with your Partner.
A2 1-4: Side Left with your Partner.
BB: As before, but going up.
A1 1-4: Arm Right with your Partner.
A2 1-4: Arm Left with your Partner.
BB: As you did at first.
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