Ed. 11-18 Duple Minor Longways
C Major AAB adlib

A1 1-2: All fall back a Double.
A1 3-4: Turn Single.
A1 5-8: Cross over into your Partner’s place.
A2 1-8: Then all do the same again.
B 1-4: 1st Man turn the 2nd Woman with the Right hand once around.
B 5-8: 1st Man go around your Partner, falling below the 2nd Couple in the middle, while the 1st Woman turns the 2nd Man, falling above the 2nd Couple in the middle.
B 9-14: 1st Couple go the Figure through the 2nd Couple, the 1st Man going up behind the 2nd Woman while the 2nd Woman goes down the middle and up behind the 2nd Man, then cross through into the 2nd place proper.
Repeat down the line.
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