Ed. 3-13 Longways – 4 Couples
G Major 3 x AABB

A1 1-4: Lead up all a Double forwards and back.
A2 1-4: That again.
B1 1-8: 1st and Last Couples meet, take right hands across and go halfway around and fall back to the middle two places. At the same time, the other two Couples fall back to the ends and meet their Partners in the end places and turn each other halfway around.
B2 1-8: 1st and Last Couples, being in the middle places, take left hands across and go halfway around, falling back to their original places. At the same time the other two Couples fall back a Double, then meet your Neighbors, then turn your Partners halfway around.
A1 1-4: Side Right with your Partner.
A2 1-4: Side Left with your Partner.
B1 1-2: Change places with your Partner.
B1 3-4: 1st and 2nd Couples meet, the other two Couples the same.
B1 5-6: 1st Couple go between the 2nd Couple to stand even with them, the 4th Couple the same with the 3rd.
B1 7-8: 1st Man and 1st Woman change places in the 2nd place to end proper, the 2nd Couple doing the same above them, and the other two Couples doing the same.
B2 1-8: All this again.
A1 1-4: Arm Right with your Partner.
A2 1-4: Arm Left with your Partner.
B1 1-4: First four take hands and go halfway round, the other four the same.
B1 5-8: All Set and Turn Single.
B2 1-8: All this again.
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