also called pousette, taking both hands of someone and pushing them back or pulling them forward, often to move the Couple into a new position
A la Mode de France
Ape’s Dance, The
Buff Coat
Country Coll, The
Cuckolds All a Row
Devil’s Dream, The
Eaglesfield’s New Hornpipe, Mr.
Ginnie Pug
Hobb’s Wedding
Jog on, my Honey
Lady Banbury’s Hornpipe, The
Love for Love: Danc’d in the Play
Mad Moll
Maid Peeped out of the Window, The
Miller’s Jig #1
New Bore, The
Ormond House
Phoenix, The
Princess, The #1
Simple Simon
Smith’s Rant
Soldier and the Sailor, The
Spaniard, The
Trip to St. John’s Court, A
Twenty-Ninth of May, The
Witches, The