Two Lead Through Stationary Two

Dances that have two people leading through another two that are standing still

Anna Maria
Astrope Wells
Barham Down
Barker’s Maggot
Barley-Mow, The
Beaux Delight, The
Black Jack
Black Nell
Bloomsbury Market
Britains, The
Buff Coat
Buford’s March
Bury Fair
Captain’s Maggot
Cast a Bell
Catching of Fleas
Cobbler’s Hornpipe, The
Cornish Squire, The
Coronation Day, The
Count Tallard
Czar of Muscovy
De’il Take the Wars
Devonshire House
Dragoon’s March
Draper’s Gardens
Duke of Gloucester’s March, The
Duke of Luxemburgh’s March
Dunmore Kate
Durham Stable
Easter Eve
Enfield Common
English Pasby, The
Epsom Wells
Essex Building
Fiddler’s Maggot
Fiddler’s Morris, The
French Ambassador, The
French King’s Mistake, The
Friday Night
Frolic, The
Gelding of the Devil
George’s Maggot
Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
Gilford, The
Ginnie Pug
Gossip’s Frolic, The
Granny’s Delight
Green Sleeves and Pudding Pies
Grenadier’s March
Gun Fleet, The
Hang Sorrow
Happy Miller, The
Have at Thy Coat, Old Woman
Hedge Lane
Hey to the Camp
Hill’s Maggot
Hole in the Wall, The
Holyrood Day
Huntington’s Maggot
If All the World Were Paper
Irish Ground, The
Jacob Hall’s Jig
Jenny, Come Tie my Cravat
Jockey Was a Dowdy Lad
Jolly Boy, The
Jolly Breeze, The
Jovial Beggars, The
Kensington Court
Knot, The
Ladies’ Maggot, The
Lambeth Wells
Lane’s Maggot, Mr.
Lane’s Minuet, Mr.
Last New Rigadoon, The
Lilli Burlero
Lincoln’s Inn
London’s Loyalty
Lord of Carnarvon’s Jig
Lord Phoppington, The
Maid’s Last Wish, The
Man Tiger, The
Mansell, The
May Fair
Mermaid, The
Merry Milkmaids in Green, The
Miller’s Jig #2
Mock Hobby Horse, The
Mother Brown’s Cat
Mug House, The
My Lady Foster’s Delight
My Lord Byron’s Delight
My Lord Byron’s Maggot
New Bore, The
New Conceit, The
New Invention, The
New New Nothing
New Rigadoon, A
New Year’s Eve
News from Tripoli
Nobe’s Maggot
Northern Nancy
Nottingham Castle
O Mother, Roger
Of Noble Race Was Shinkin
Old Man Is a Bed Full of Bones, An
Pilgrim, The
Pool’s Hole #2
Pope Joan
Princess, The #1
Princess, The #2
Punch Bowl, The
Queen’s Delight, The
Roger of Coverly
Rummer, The
Sancho Pancho
Siege of Limerick, The
Silver Faulken, The
Sion House
Soldier and the Sailor, The
Solomon’s Jig
Spanish Jig
St. Martin’s Lane
Taylor’s Trip
Ten Pound Lass #2
Trip to Bury, A
Trip to the Jubilee, as ’tis Danc’d at the Playhouse, The
Tyger, The
Tythe Pig
Up Tails All
Valiant Jockey
Virgin Queen, The
Wallingford House
Well’s Humour
Whely House
Whirligig, The
Whitehall Minuet
Whitney’s Farewell
Windsor Castle
Wish, The
Wolverton Hall
Woolly and Georgey
Young Jemmy #1
Young Jemmy #2